Trio Gift Sets 250ml
Our most popular trio flavors in one gift set.
Enjoy the best of the best.
Reserve Aged Balsamic
Meyer Lemon Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Garlic Olive Extra Virgin Olive Oil
If you would like to customize your Trio pack, just list the flavors you would like in the “Comments “ section when checking out.
Our most popular trio flavors in one gift set.
Enjoy the best of the best.
Reserve Aged Balsamic
Meyer Lemon Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Garlic Olive Extra Virgin Olive Oil
If you would like to customize your Trio pack, just list the flavors you would like in the “Comments “ section when checking out.
Our most popular trio flavors in one gift set.
Enjoy the best of the best.
Reserve Aged Balsamic
Meyer Lemon Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Garlic Olive Extra Virgin Olive Oil
If you would like to customize your Trio pack, just list the flavors you would like in the “Comments “ section when checking out.